So, after reading a few of my entries you might think that I have a mild addiction to food. Well, I like food -- and in most instances I eat in moderation. I do have indulgences that need to be met i.e. chocolate, diet coke, salty treats to counteract the large quantities of sweets.

But seriously, I eat in moderation and generally enjoy food. However, my brother seems to think that a nutrious breakfast constitutes eating brats or hamburgers? Every day during the week he sticks to his high fiber oatmeal or oatmealesque dry cereals. But on the weekends -- he eats meat for breakfast. I just don't understand this. But, afterall I had a slice of French Silk pie for breakfast -- what? I wanted to eat it before the bottomless pit I call my brother got to it.

More random facts about my brother since I haven't really blogged about him. He's sick and wrong in so many ways, but we all love him just the same.

1) He likes to run. This is almost proof that he was dropped off by a stork instead of being blood related to our family. No body likes to run.

2) He likes old fuddy music -- he's 24 he goes to jazz concerts and likes Chic Korea in ways I will never understand.

3.) He eats alot -- maybe it's because he runs... maybe he just loves eating brats, burgers and other dinner time food for breakfast? But I know I have to put my name on the Klondike bars if I want to have any for dessert.

4.) He's embarrassed to buy toilet paper. So I've been tryign to help him overcome his fear by not buying it for the house -- I don't think this is working cause my mom ultimately feels bad about him getting blush faced when he has to buy it -- I mean seriously -- there are way worse things to buy and get embarrassed about. Maybe it's that we buy the super jumbo pack -- and he just doesn't want the world to know that he shits - like everyone else.

5.) He talks to much. He's an expert on most things and frankly it gets a little annoying when I want some piece n quite and he wants to have a political debate. Hellooo I'm trying to beat my scramble score - don't talk to me!


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