So I'm convinced that David has some sort of fear - similar to my brother's in that it revolves soley around toilet paper.

I'm convinced he waits until the upstairs bathroom is running low on toilet paper and then uses the downstairs bathroom and visa versa - and this continues until I go in the bathroom and use the last measly square on the roll, and then change the roll.

Is it really that hard?

He also has difficulty putting the seat down. But it is his house and his toilet so I don't press the issue but I make a note to always leave it down and put down the lid after I'm done.

If this is our only quasi fight then be it.

There is also the issue of the towels. He complains that I leave random towels throughout the house - on the back of the chair in the kitchen - on the floor in the bedroom on the loveseat on the back of doorknob not connected to the bathroom.

I explain that he doesn't have a towel rack and it would be a act of God if I could reach high enough to throw the towel over the shower curtain like he does. He just shakes his head.

Maybe I'll start hanging the towel up in an appropriate place when starts changing the toilet paper and putting the seat down so If I go on a tinkle mission at 2 am and don't turn on the light my fanny doesn't get wet.


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