Tonight I had a cribbage game with Mike planned. We meet at the same dunns brothers -- and we always play a couple games, talk about life and crap and it's good fun.

Well today, I've had a headache most of the day and my ears hurt from my sinuses hurting - but I took an advil earlier this afternoon (I rarely take OTC drugs cause I'm a freak and don't like to take them).

It must have been a combination of things, my headache, my allergies, my hunger pains - jamba juice is good but can't sustain a person all day, but mostly I just wanted to wear sweatpants and have soft kleenex to blow my nose and eat something.

It was a hunger I couldn't explain -- like if I didn't eat within the next 5 minutes I was almost certain I would perish. I did'nt perrish. I came home got in my sweat pants and made some dinner. Still have the headache and lots of sneezyness.

But now I feel bad about only playing one game -- and that I won so Mike couldn't even try to win round two. I feel bad that he had an offer for dinner with his mom and passed it up to play a game with me and then I bail cause I didn't eat my 3 oclock snack.

So I'm sorry Mike, I don't mean to be a crappy friend an I'm sorry I'm so yawny and lame on the weekend nights we play.

Something has happened. Okay yes, I've gained 10 pounds/2.50 pant sizes for every extension I've had at XYZ Company. (That'd be 4 extension changes in 3 years, this math isn't complicated, it's sad.) But on the brighter side of things -- I have a new found appreciation for sweat pants.

But that's not the news either. When I started at XYZ I had finally grew out the permed cherub look I annointed myself with in college. I had cute hair and I'm not sure what exactly possessed me to chop it off into a pixie cut that - inadvertantly did not allow me to wear polo shirts (a business causual office attire staple, since we are required to either wear a collar or a sweater - both is an option since I freeze to death in the ice-cubical.) without looking like a teenage boy wearing his sister's bra with some exoctic fruit in the cups. I also started growing back my eyebrows -- a whole other story, that is slightly medically related to my teeter totter thyroid issues.

Ok so I chopped my hair. Gained some weight plus some more. Grew my eyebrows back. Got rid of the braces and ta-da have successfully grownout my hair -- so now I can curl it in cute curls - not frizzy cherub perm curls and I'm half an inch away from sporting the coveted pony tail. ( I would post a picture -- but I have ruined my usb ports and {am currently shopping but indescisive on a new computer since this one is aboue to die} they now no longer talk to my camera. But now I can at least be girly -- but this is not the news... the most unexpected thing has happened.

I started wearing make-up on a daily basis. Not a lot, since I didn't want to go from plain normal just clean and nothing super spectacular face to whamo pizzamo - drag queen try-out make up face. So, yes, I now have to put my face on in the morning. But you know what, it does wonders for hiding any sort of mild depression I might have. Don't fret, I'm really fine -- I just have more crappy days than I used to, BD. (Before Dad) And I'm not a wallower so maybe this new beauty time in the morning just makes me feel more put together that I sometimes feel in the morning or on the inside.

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