So I never really put much into the 3 or so lottery tickets I buy a month. I have no rhyme or reason for when I purchase said tickets -- but it's just for fun -- just for the dream. $1 for an impossiblity to be a dream. Overated, maybe? Waste of time or money? Maybe?
It's fun and since I'm really not that serious about it becomes yet another $3 -- but hey, its more enjoyable than paying for gas....
I am however serious about one thing -- If I ever win a substantial amount of money -- as in I would never have to work at a real job -- that my job would be investing money and whatever hobby /actvitiy job I created for --- I would buy my friend Jamie a pull out couch and pay to have her crappy love seat removed so that if I'm ever there hanging out I don't have to get a crick in my neck and knot in my back from couch sleeping.
As mentioned earlier today -- I like radio with songs -- bonified songs- lyrics- melodies etc. And this weekend of all weekend I am flipping through the radio stations as I'm heading home. Bad Country that comes in fuzzy. Rap-like beats that will give me a headache. Church talk radio. Best of all decades that keeps cutting out. My home radion stations that also cutting out -- where am I? I'm in some weird radio warp where nothing except NPR is working. So I listen --- and keep listening --and I get a little road rage with someone that cuts me off when he's merging on to the highway. I continue on -- listening to NPR -- even after I was well in radio range of my own personal station. NPR has hte ability to take over your mind. The hypnotic voices -- now I fully understand how it was on for 8 hours yesterday.
Shaking my head -- I should have just listened to Barry Manilow's greatest hits.
It's a beautiful day, fantastic indeed now that the humidity has dropped. Hallelujah.
So I don't go church, or have a religion - other than the residual recovering catholic effect. I'm convinced I've been branded to always feel guilty for any wrong doing, poor judgement etc. and I do expect people to do unto others and obey the golden rule bs taught in Sunday schools from sea to shining sea and beyond.
I don't believe in God --- as in the God of judgement and condemnation, but more of just design. I don't believe in Heaven or Hell -- or Jesus. Mary or the 12 apostles, saints or popes or prayers.
But what about the afterlife then? What about this Build your own Utopia - that Heaven is whatever you want it to be. I remember this from 1st or 2nd grade when there was a discussion and explanation of Heaven -- and some girl said her Heaven would be filled with Barbie Dolls. For a long time- I've struggled with this what happens when you die - and although some may find great comfort in the idea of Heaven -- I don't. I don't believe in Hell -- because I frankly believe Hell was just invented as the ultimate punishment and a great scare tactic tool to ingrain on the believers of whatever the big bad bible said. I do however believe in a soul -- that we are all more than just a body -- that we die and pass through time and space. I think of the soul as an Orb and I envision that Orbs float and gather -- usually in familial or friendship groups -- and they might choose to watch the happenings on earth in the current time and place in which they died -- or else they go on and Orb about a bit. I know this is little morbid -- but I guess I envision a cluster of spirit orbs -- gathering together waiting for new friends and family or celebrity entertainers to join them.
This might sound odd -- yes, but this is my take on the afterlife.
I know, it's wacky -- but I just can't think that all we are is worm food or dust when we die -- yes, we live on in memories after we pass -- but I can't disregard the premise of a soul. So if you must, the Orb situation would be my heaven -- but there is no hell, or purgatory -- it's just the way it is. So My Dad & Grandparents, might be orbing around with my friends grandparents, and cousins and aunts & uncles and whatever and it's some how become this version 7 degrees of separation from the living. Orborific.
The Lil Green Patch and Scrable applications on facebook are my guilty pleasures. I like them -- they can keep me enthralled for hours. Sending plants, editing my patch, gardenining without working up a sweat or getting dirt in my fingernails. It's really quite amazing how laziness and a dream to save the rainforests was someones motivation to create lil green patch -- and what is even more amazing it has captivated my atttention span this long. Now, I'll be honest --I'm not doing it to save the rainforests. I hate recycling , and being green -- again, laziness coming into play -- but I do like the strawberry shortcakesque charachters and virtual flora that I can give and receive among my greenie friends. Lame but true.
Scramble also is taking over my time -- searching for crappy words I never use. I really should be blogging instead of playing this addicting game,. BUt alas a friend introduced me to this new game --- picross... and yes I can see if I don't nip it in the bud now -- this too will be another bonified time waster.
The nominations are in: most profound blog about
1 comments Posted by Kristen at Sunday, July 20, 2008you guessed it -- fecal matter: goes to Miss Ava.
I haven't laughed so hard in a long time.
So this weekend was Gwendolyn's fantastic birthday bash weekend. It has been a nice weekend -- however not the usual for what I expect for a weekend in LaCrosse.
Let's start with the usual -- Usually we end up drinking, a lot, or more than my poor liver likes. (so in my terms that means more than 2 beers in a 24 hour period.) This also involves going from bar to bar sampling the fine establishments in downtown LaCrosse. Seriously -- there are bars everywhere -- and alcohol in LaCrosse is kept at competitive prices to suit the needs of many college students and 20/30 somethings who live here. Ok so one must be prepared -- somewhat sensible shoes are must, and 20 dollars is normally enough to get you good and drunk off your ass -- but for a birthday weekend, fancy drinks or shots might be required so maybe 40 tops and that should be enough to have a cab ride home. SO very economical for the weekend binge... how delightful. After consuming large amounts of alcohol, I'm normally up at 5:30 with horrible post-beer poo poos and a headache. This was not the case today.
Our Saturday birthday extravaganza was off to bad start when I spent hours -- wasted on listening to NPR. Now, mind you I like my radio with a certain kind of element, most will call this ridiculous -- but I like songs. I was mildly entertained for awhile -- but then craved TV, or real radio - not just podcast after podcast after podcast. No joke -- 9-5 of talk radio is enough to make me well, eager for alcohol. After we all got dressed for the day - we headed to Buzzard Billies - had a delightful meal -- followed by ice cream which I was to overstuffed to partake in. And now at 7:30 in the morning I have a sweet tooth and ice cream sounds delicious.
After dinner I inquired as to what we were going to do -- well we were going to go to someones house and watch tv and veg out for a little bit, maybe play games and start drinking. Woo hoo -- ok a plan. I love plans. After we have flipped -- or Jamie has flipped rather, we are all in tv la la land and are entranced by the happenings on Degrassi and Queen Bees- The Soup and some all in a week show -- we're laughing and playing games. Pretty soon the clock was way later than it should have been and we are going to McDonald's, quarter to midnight-- to get a snack, I'm not wasted and it's almost midnight, this is not how I envisioned this -- I'm sure Gwendolyn has not pictured this either- --but we are at McDonald's getting snacks -- I'm not hungry at all really -- but I know if I don't get anything -- I will suffer a horrible case of McDonald's envy and so alas I get the old stand by - the number 1. It is fantastic. I love it.
We return to the house with the air conditioning and tv and no NPR Podcasts anywhere to be seen. We eat. Now we are in the current moment. I'm wide awake. I've been up for almost two hours with painful stomach clenching gas that is both loud and smellier than Jamie's fridge, and a headache. It's like I'm hungover from McDonalds. I had a great time -- it was very mellow -- but I was a little pumped to be reckless and intoxicated. Yep, maybe I'm too old for that Shenanigans.