So I was an avid listener of ks95 for a couple years. But the morning show gal - is a little too self righteous for me and always banging her bible -- not exactly something I want to hear about on my hour long commute to work - (no this is not delilah that was ranting about earlier.)

So now - thanks to Jacque at work I have made the switch to 107.1Fm - It's hillarious talk radio.
It's great - so great in fact that I encourage you to take a listen or check out the website at least. I know I already put up a website for today - but if you are reading this you really must have 5 minutes to click here: it's a link to the afternoon show - which is a little more lively. But the morning show is a married couple and also entertaining since they are in two different studios.

Clinton doesn't particularily like Laurie and Julia but that's ok - we can listed to his radio station when he is in the car - and I can have funny talk radio for my 10+ hours of driving to and from work a week.


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