So I went to World Market today with my mom. She needed sherry vinegar and I love stores that have weird crap that you don't see at target and wal-mart.

So I had a sweet tooth while I was there and they have a section for international candies. I bought a bag of Lindt truffles in a new variety: stracciatella and then I found hte perfect candy for Dave.

Dave generally doesn't like candy bars unless they have some substance in them -- like peanuts, carmel, nougat -- he likes baby ruths, snickers, peanut m&ms... but today I found the candy bar of his dreams.

Yes, that's right -- bacon and chocolate: Mo's Bacon Bar.

Now, I'm jsut trying to think of what else to get him for our aniversary - since we haven't celebrated it yet -- and we decided to do so this weekend.


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