
So I live with my family -- but when I lived with roommates I had a great time - sure we had fights over the dishes - or my shoulder was soggy from a particular crier. But overall I was blessed with good roommates. Sure I have my favorites and my least favorite but overall I was able to live with everyone just fine. No murders took place at any of the places I resided and all things friendships were in place at the end of the lease.

My sister however -- has had some issues.

She's in her final year at school and she's had some humdinger roommates.

#1: Blooming Prairie girl - I don't remember the name she had but I remember the town she lived in, selective memory at it's finest. She built a fort in the dorm room and hid all of her belongings in said fort and would go home (less than an hour away) for weeks at a time and completely ignore my sister. She eventually dropped out.

#2: Her friend Franny and her lived together or 2 years. They've known eachother since highschool and the first year went ok, but the second year ended badly when Franny made friends with Sunnie and Daisy the cheerful girls they were... the three of them ignored my sister for the last 4 months of livign together and didn't tell her that they were moving out at the end of the lease. They just up and moved.

Obviously I'm biased for my sister -- I've lived with her. I know she has her moments- we shared a room for a number of years but in general she's a great roommate -- a little bit of a neat freak - but overall she's just has pms moments like the rest of us and she just happens to like everything in a certain place... she got made when the spice rack wasn't in the correct order when she went to make cookies, maybe she had a moment and ticked someone off - but seriously who can hold a grudge over an out burst over a spice rack ( the following example is only used as an imaginitive illustration and no spices were harmed and or out of order to the best of my knowlege.)

#3 She just acquired some new roommates a couple weeks ago. One girl is from Oklahoma and from what Peewee (my adorable sissy) said, she's quite the charachter. She has a long distance boyfriend. She doesn't go to school. She shows Peewee all of her groceries. She has a lisp. Her sister lives in the apartment building adjacent to the one my sister and Annie Oakley (Oklahoma girl, not even sure where the really Annie was from but I had a moment of the word association going on in my head, apologies for any inacuracies) but here is the kicker -- she brought her dolls with her to her apartment. She has a collection of China dolls and she has them on display in her bedroom.

Now, I have some china dolls, they are cute and pretty and loved them to death when I was 9. Now they are with my sister's china dolls on top of the piano, down stairs with various other knick knacks...

Just have patience my dear sissy, have some patients.


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