So I know you won't believe it -- but it's been almost 1.5 years since I bought a new purse. I know -- crazy. But the last purse spree I stocked up and had a couple handbags that I rotated properly and now I have this medium brown matches everything handbag -- that well has seen better days. Something has spilled insdie and stained the leather- most of the zippers and snaps work - the handles are still in adequate condition but overall the bag looks like it got into a couple fights with car doors, jamba juice spills, rain, sleet, and the abonimal snow man.

SO I went shopping with Camille one day for lunch - she wanted to look at the purses at TJ Max, which is a great place to look -- once in awhile but most of the time they are crap. But I wasn't looking -- and there it was. A wonderful dark brown - perfect for fall handbag. It's part suede and part glossy but not patent leather -- cute straps - silver detailing big enough and then some to hold all my crap.

I haven't been shopping for me, aside from the essentials -- I've been taking care of a household and I guess I just forgot that I need to buy Kristen something once in awhile, (aside from pre packaged hanes her way underwear, oh the shame.) because I was so happy after I bought it. Giddy almost.


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