So in my quest to find a cure for hiccups -- I found some other old wives tales: Here is the A-Z list from:

If you carry an acorn, you will have continued good luck and a long life. -- but I don't want a tree to grow in my pocket --

It’s been said that the bells provide protection from demons as they are scared of the loud noise.
ding dong the witch is dead

If the first baby calf born in the winter is white, it’s a sign that the winter will be very harsh.
my calves are lily white all year long... some people just don't tan!

It’s believed that leaving a house through any door other than the one that is used to enter the house is bad luck.
i'm thinking this was invented to keep teenagers from sneaking out! What about a fire? Well I guess the fire would be the bad luck?

If your right ear itches, someone is saying something nice about you. If it’s the left, someone’s saying something bad about you.
I can't remember the last time my ears itched? Do chicken pox cancel this out -- well I suppose they created the vaccine so obviously -- what was I thinking!

Cutting your nails on Friday or Sunday is bad luck. Fingernail clippings should be saved, burned, or buried to prevent bad luck. I've never burned my clippings -- they usually fly all over the place.

Good Friday:
The Friday before Easter is Good Friday. If someone dies on Good Friday, they will go directly to Heaven. Good to know -- but will the Easter bunny be notified in time?

Hanging a horseshoe above the door to any home will bring good luck to all who live there.
Western wear is always in fashion for home decor.

Itchy Nose:
It’s still said that if your nose itches, a fool is about to kiss you.
Kiss me baby.

You shouldn’t jog. It jumbles up your insides.
Agreed. Jogging should be outlawed.

Placing the needles in the balls of yarn will bring bad luck to anyone who used the item that yarn is used to make.
Good thing I crochet!

If you catch a falling leaf on the first day of fall, you will not get sick that whole winter.
Do I have to put it in my pocket with the acorn ---

When boiling milk, it’s bad luck to let it run over the side of the pot.
Who boils milk?

If your nose itches, you will soon get a visitor. Right nostril indicates a female visitor, left nostril indicates male visitor.
Scratch n Sniff

If you make a wish over burning onions, it will come true.
Bunt onions for dinner -- who's hungry?

Use the same pencil for taking a test as was used for studying for the same test. The pencil will remember the answers.
I hate pencils -- does this still work with pens?
Make a wish on the first robin you see in spring and it will come true – if you can finish making the wish before the robin flies away.
Thank god I don't have to put the robin in my pocket, it'd probably steal my acorn.

Dropping a pair of scissors means that your lover is seeing someone behind your back.
Well what if you are klutzy and without a lover?

Thirteen is just an unlucky number in general.

If an umbrella is dropped on the floor of a house, someone in that house is going to die shortly.
It's not the flag- -- I drop everything this concerns me.

Bride’s wear veils due to the ancient belief that this will protect them from jealous evil spirits.
Well I'll remember that for my wedding day, It propbably keeps bees and mosquitoes away too!

If speaking of good luck, knock on wood three times so evil spirits won’t take it away.
Knock three times on the ceiling if you want me, catchy tune.
The lines on the palm of your right hand that show an “X” represent the number of children you will have.
Shit, by this I'm supposed to have 6 children...

Covering your mouth when you yawn will prevent your soul from leaving your body when you yawn.

I thought it was cause I had bad yawn breath?
Sorry, we fell asleep.


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