I'm changing my name to Grace-- Dave calls me this on occaison -- when I do normal things and some how manage to hurt myself -- and inatimate objects around me.

I fall out of bed on a regular basis -- Dave's bed is higher than my bed and in the morning hours when I'm not quite with it yet -- my depth perception is off all of the time so I guess I can't always blame it on the morning grog -- but I fall out of bed.

I run into coffee tables -- I trip -- I drop things -I spill.

Coffee tables have turned me blue -- maybe I just can't walk straight. Maybe I got some clumsy gene from my parents -- but I make a fool out of myself trying to do normal everyday things.

I've slipped in the shower -- sprained an ankle doing it and hobble around on crutches getting into more trouble for my lack of equilibrium.

I have lots of sweaters and shirts that I bought for work and after one or two wearings they have a spot or a stain --

I some how manage to get chocolate on my khakki work pants almost everyday -- thank you Dockers for being so stain resistant!

The injuries have effected my life permanently -- I can no longer ski or ice skate due to poor ankles from spraining them on several occaisons -

Yesterday I droped a diet coke can on my big toe -- it hurts

I'm pretty much a disaster zone some or most of the time -- maybe I should consider wearing a hard hat at all times.

Nah, that would ruin the 1/7 good hair days I have in a week.


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