
So I never really put much into the 3 or so lottery tickets I buy a month. I have no rhyme or reason for when I purchase said tickets -- but it's just for fun -- just for the dream. $1 for an impossiblity to be a dream. Overated, maybe? Waste of time or money? Maybe?
It's fun and since I'm really not that serious about it becomes yet another $3 -- but hey, its more enjoyable than paying for gas....

I am however serious about one thing -- If I ever win a substantial amount of money -- as in I would never have to work at a real job -- that my job would be investing money and whatever hobby /actvitiy job I created for --- I would buy my friend Jamie a pull out couch and pay to have her crappy love seat removed so that if I'm ever there hanging out I don't have to get a crick in my neck and knot in my back from couch sleeping.

1 Comment:

  1. Anonymous said...
    oh if i ever win the lottery i will buy you an adult-sized tent. sorry that loveseat is soaked in evil.

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