The Lil Green Patch and Scrable applications on facebook are my guilty pleasures. I like them -- they can keep me enthralled for hours. Sending plants, editing my patch, gardenining without working up a sweat or getting dirt in my fingernails. It's really quite amazing how laziness and a dream to save the rainforests was someones motivation to create lil green patch -- and what is even more amazing it has captivated my atttention span this long. Now, I'll be honest --I'm not doing it to save the rainforests. I hate recycling , and being green -- again, laziness coming into play -- but I do like the strawberry shortcakesque charachters and virtual flora that I can give and receive among my greenie friends. Lame but true.

Scramble also is taking over my time -- searching for crappy words I never use. I really should be blogging instead of playing this addicting game,. BUt alas a friend introduced me to this new game --- picross... and yes I can see if I don't nip it in the bud now -- this too will be another bonified time waster.


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