Sermon Time

It's a beautiful day, fantastic indeed now that the humidity has dropped. Hallelujah.

So I don't go church, or have a religion - other than the residual recovering catholic effect. I'm convinced I've been branded to always feel guilty for any wrong doing, poor judgement etc. and I do expect people to do unto others and obey the golden rule bs taught in Sunday schools from sea to shining sea and beyond.

I don't believe in God --- as in the God of judgement and condemnation, but more of just design. I don't believe in Heaven or Hell -- or Jesus. Mary or the 12 apostles, saints or popes or prayers.

But what about the afterlife then? What about this Build your own Utopia - that Heaven is whatever you want it to be. I remember this from 1st or 2nd grade when there was a discussion and explanation of Heaven -- and some girl said her Heaven would be filled with Barbie Dolls. For a long time- I've struggled with this what happens when you die - and although some may find great comfort in the idea of Heaven -- I don't. I don't believe in Hell -- because I frankly believe Hell was just invented as the ultimate punishment and a great scare tactic tool to ingrain on the believers of whatever the big bad bible said. I do however believe in a soul -- that we are all more than just a body -- that we die and pass through time and space. I think of the soul as an Orb and I envision that Orbs float and gather -- usually in familial or friendship groups -- and they might choose to watch the happenings on earth in the current time and place in which they died -- or else they go on and Orb about a bit. I know this is little morbid -- but I guess I envision a cluster of spirit orbs -- gathering together waiting for new friends and family or celebrity entertainers to join them.

This might sound odd -- yes, but this is my take on the afterlife.

I know, it's wacky -- but I just can't think that all we are is worm food or dust when we die -- yes, we live on in memories after we pass -- but I can't disregard the premise of a soul. So if you must, the Orb situation would be my heaven -- but there is no hell, or purgatory -- it's just the way it is. So My Dad & Grandparents, might be orbing around with my friends grandparents, and cousins and aunts & uncles and whatever and it's some how become this version 7 degrees of separation from the living. Orborific.


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