So I've stopped smoking, I'm on week 3. Things are good, I'm past the needs, wants and cravings- however I am not past the the blessings I refer fondly to as phlegm nuggets. Little balls of goodness I get to hack up.
In addition to the phlegm nuggets, my taste buds are coming back to life and certain foods are really intense esp DORITOS! I've also had a couple bloody noses and bloody boogers in my facial tissues -- I can't not peak sorry! I just want to know how much longer this is going to happen for.

On the same line, my new oral fixation is .... drum roll please:
Eating Oatmeal -- It's super yummy, esp the apples and cinnamon -- and It's a good way to make sure I eat my breakfast, and It fills me up so I'm not eating too much other stuff and it leads to a healthy heart -- maybe I'll make up for the decade of damage I did.

The other things I put in my mouth include: Gum, most sugar free varieties, stride fruit is pretty good as well as my favorite GUM of the WEEK: Juicy Fruit. Tootsie Pops, Dum Dums.

Other things : Crosswords, Sudokus, WordSearches, Yarn, Fluff Friends, and of course blogging.

1 Comment:

  1. Anonymous said...
    im on day 4, im sick as hell that keeps me from smoking, but gum and straws keep me occupied oh and course the brewers

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