I've never spent so much ime in bed for one whole weekend - I've slept hours and hours on end, watched the movies I picked up on friday night which included: The Jane Austen Book Club, American Gangster, No Reservations and Once --- which was about music or somthing, & I fell asleep almost immediately after pushing play. You guessed it -- I'm sick. I'm pretty sure it's an ear infection/sinus infection because when ever I yawn or burp like the delicate flower I am, my ears pop and I feel better for maybe 5 minutes.

I'm drinking lots of tea, honey/lemon water --- I'm considering torturing myself with the clove of garlic. I'm off to run to the store to get some OTC medicine. I'm sick of mucus so I think I"m going to have popsicles and oj for dinner -- maybe some crackers since I need my carbs. Maybe I'll make soup -- ahhh I'm too lazy to actually make soup today, I might open and heat up a can of soup. Not the same I know. I know this next part will come as a complete shock -- I'm sick of diet coke. I've been drinking water - tea and oj like crazy. Gatorade sounds good right now -- ok I better go to the store and stock up on supplies.

I'm blaming Day Light Savings.


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