Love letters

Ok so I can be a sap sometimes. Dave & I went to Stillwater last month - and while we were there - we went into a couple antique shops -- and my favorite thing to look at - all though lame and uncovetted are the post cards -- more specifically the post cards with messages on them -- I could probably sit and mill through these all day looking for some torrid love affair, some thoughtful expression of tenderness from miles apart -- but most of the time it's about the weather and the affairs of the day-- that's life though, it all boils down to the weather and tedious things we do.

Sooo as my procrastination project from writing the book I've almost completed and outline for -- I'm working on a epistolary novel --- a novel of just letters, one sided as though the reader was the receiver of the letters -- so the it would be epistolary and 2nd person narrative... I'm not sure if it will work -- I'm basically assuming the reader is my lover,(since they are after all love letters) but I can't assume the reader knows anything because in the 2nd person narrative the letter is the only source of information.

So I started out trying to write a love letter to Dave, but all I can do is picture him rolling on the floor laughing at me being Super Sap -- I send him greeting cards -- and they are short and sweet - sometimes funny.

So I've been doing some research looking for perfect love letter -- not to mock up and send to Dave -- I 'll stick to my greeting card practices there -- but for my epistolary novel.

Love Letters :

Civil War Letters:

Amusing Letters:

Some odd love letters: click on the color boxes to read:

I'm still not finding what I want to read --- probably cause a love letter -- when written correctly has to appeal to the humanity of the reader. Maybe I have no humanity? Nah, I'm just finding crap -- total crap.

For those of you who know --and those of you don't I have been the recipient of some horrible - cheesy love letters from someone we'll call B -- they arrived daily at my mailbox, and were filled with god awful poetry and ungrammatical sentence structure -- i.e. the never ending sentence. Anyways -- it's always nice to get mail -- -but the love letter should be the once in awhile occurrence as opposed to the daily annoyance.

Maybe -- I should do a book on post its -- what we write on post its -- I'd probably have more success finding adequate post its for inspiration...

1 Comment:

  1. Anonymous said...
    Well written article.

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