Car Wash

So as mentioned earlier - I had to have my brake switch replaced on my car. But voila I got a car wash out of the trouble --- can you tell a week later? Nope. The good news however - is that it might have motivated me to get it washed on a more frequent basis -- maybe...

However, those drive through car washes -- are not for me, I get dizzy like dinasaur, and nauseus like a hungry hungry hippo who ate too many marbles -- ok i'll stop this analogy; as is getting out of hand...and I'm sure I can picture a few people telling me to shut up already... and I wasn't clever enough to come up with something about Operation or Candyland ---) but none the less the drive through washes -- not for me. I thought they were really cool when I was a kid, but no more. Just the thought of the blue flaps attacking me or even just the hot water swooshing over the windows is too much to handle (ps. I don't like driving in thunderstorms either)
The other alternative --- is to go to a "wash it yourself" place or get the hose out and do it in the driveway. This doesn't appeal to me either for obvious reasons -- #1. I'm too lazy. #2. Yes, I'm too lazy. #3 I know I'm going to end up soaking wet because the Klutziness always rules "not in my favor", you wouldn't want to see me hurt would you? #4. I know as soon as my car is clean, it's going to rain, snow, sleet or I'm going to park in the migratory pattern of ducks, geese, robins, tweety birds, all of birdkind and be covered in flecks and speckles #5 and... if that by chance does not occur, it's going to be bugs and icky things --- and I'd end up angry and needing another car wash -- so as you can see the best possible solution to the problem is to not wash it at all, or not think about it at all -- until I'm going insane over the dust, salt, poo and dirt and the forecast is calling for rain, yes that would be ideal.


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