Movie Reviews

Soo I like movies--- more than I should -- Lately I've been escaping in my movie watching --

Some movies that might be worth a gander, or not so much...

Waitress -- Chic Flick B+
Sentence that sums the plot:
I'm pregnant with an assholes baby and I like to make pies.
Moral of the story:
Don't marry an asshole, be yourself and be a real friend - even to unlikely people.

Ratatoille -- Cute. Animated/Pixarated A-
Sentence that sums the plot:
A rat is a cook and a critic acts like a rat and a boy uses a rat to become a cook.
Moral of the story:
You can be who you want to be and do what you want to do.

27 Dresses -- Chic Flick A
Sentence that sums the plot.
A bridesmaid finally gets the chance to put herself first and be the bride.
Moral of the story:
Don't have your bridesmaid where an ugly dress or she might make you wear it one day, or adversly -- You might find love in unexpectant places and office dating is a no-no- and sisters can be bitches.

PS I love you -- tear jerking - chic flick B-
Sentence that sums the plot.
A widow gets an adventure from her recently deceased husband.
Moral of the Story: Live in all the moments -- even the little ones.

Ironman - action flick -- C-
Sentence that sums the plot: A fancy suit mixed with technology can save the world from evil.
Moral of the Story: I missed it -- I had to pee half way through and was hoping it was going to be over -- but it wasn't

Made of Honor -- B
Sentence that sums the plot: Girl's best friend is in love with girl as she is about to get married.
Moral of the Story: Girl should stick to best friends who do not have romantic feelings for them.

Indiana Jones --- B
Sentence that sums the plot: Long lost loves reunite -- a man discovers he's a father -- they all work together to end coruption and in the end it's all the aliens fault.
Moral of the Story: Be as old as you feel you are.


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