Judging a Book

When I go shopping for books -- I wander aimlessly through the fiction section -- picking up books, reading blurbs on the back or inside cover -- judging them -- for the covers, titles, authors name -- trying so desperatly to find a book that will speak to me. So I'll open them up and tryto Aread the first couple of pages --- Or maybe just the first paragraph -- try to get a feel for the writer's tone and voice... blah blah blah -- but then you come to find out that they have given the main charachter has a horrible name -- that is either a. unprounoucable - so I feel like I'm reading Russian or Lativan - or sooo cheesy that it makes my heart ache for the charachter. Yep, I'm a judger.

I like books with the matte finish -- as opposed to the glossy finish. But I'm not opposed to reading these glossy books as I once was. I read more paper back books than hardcover -- and I have recently started approving of the mass paperback format sold in grocery stores and drug stores. I used to roll my eyes at these books -- but now they are fair game. Also they are usually 1/2 the price of snobby full sized books. Bonus if you are on a book budget.

I like to read multiple things at the same time. As of today, I'm reading Salem Falls -- by Jodi Piccoult. Vanishing Acts - also by Jodi (this one is at Dave's house for when we are reading in bed together) I just started Stupid and Contagious --- which has two poorly named charchters -- Heaven and Brady... but we'll see if I can get past that. At work I have a book The amazing adventours of the Hunt Sisters -- for when I'm lame and stay inside for lunch, but lately I've been Jamba Juicing it for lunch. I've started Firefly Lane -- and then put it down when my dad died -- it's written by Kristin Hannah -- and her books always make me cry, so it's on the back burner right now. I have Love in the Time of Cholera on my night stand and I can't seem to get past page 12. Maybe I have some sort of reader's a.d.d.... who knows.


  1. Annabelle Tinley said...
    I like to buy hardcover books almost exclusively non-fiction. I wont even pick them up if they have a face on the cover...bonus points for abstract photography covers.
    Anonymous said...
    i like trade size that look all girly (those are the ones about the 20 something gal with some fabulous job meeting some fabulous guy - i can relate to those)

    but again i go to the library because that is where poor people get books.

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