So since my readership is limited- Kate had her baby early, and you know me, I'm not one to start a prayer wheel - but do what you feel you are inclinded to do and keep her and baby Nicholas in your thoughts.

The details :

Friday, March 14th. 2008 - 9:01 pm Kate had an emergency c-section and her baby Nicholas Allen was born in to this world at 2lbs - 15 3/4 inches. Kate is tired from the surgery and being in the hospital all week - the baby is quite small, but doing well with all things considered.

If you have any words you'd like passed on - I'm attending the baby shower the first weekend in April and would be happy to be the messenger.

Now, I'll be honest -- I wasn't excited to go to the shower- I was trying to think of a way out of it actually - but I got suckered in - when everyone was healthy and the baby was still inside Kate's buddah. Now -- I'll be extra honest and say - I'm not so thrilled about going to the shower becuase, I"ll be staying with Kate and her fiance/man a la mancha and I know we'll be in the hospital the whole weekend -- and you know what is in the hospital -- sick people, dead people and of course the funny smells. I'm just not a fan of hospitals- I'm not a fan of baby showers - - but alas, I can not get out of going, and at this point- I'm not allowed to make up an excuse to get out of it, because I'm not a horrible person - and I do wish Kate and baby Nicholas a speedy recovery -- but I'm going to have to put my big girl face on and deal with the hospital, the extra emotions of Kate (and those who know her know what I mean.) and of course going to a family gathering and having to pin the poo on the diaper will be more than my normal lame weekend at home watching tv and feeding my flufffriend.


  1. Annabelle Tinley said...
    wow?! What happened where she had to delive early? Im glad to hear she and the baby are doing ok. And yeah that shower is going to totally suck :( Oh well you have to do your friendly duty.
    Kristen said...

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