I'm not sure what it is -- maybe I'm just getting old but Diet Coke no longer tastes good -- I think I might have OD'd on it - because now it's almost hard to drink, and the bubbles are really intense -- and doritos are spicy --- maybe it's a full moon? maybe it's finally being able to taste after having a head cold? I don't know. But it's kinda of annoying -- so I've made the unofficial switch to diet sunkist -- or regular sunkist and ginger ale is also a tasty treat -- so I now I like my soda cold - fruity and stirred so the bubbles are so bubbly... yes, this was some cold I had.
Maybe I just burnt my tongue on something... hmm. uh oh just had a sneezing fit -- Ava Mazur style with over 5 sneezes in a row. I'm a bit winded now. Ps I love juice now.


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