Sooo I've been looking for my collection of really bad poetry to see if indeed it is as bad as I remember. Once located -- if ever? I might post some of these delightful excerpts, probably not -- maybe the one about shaving my legs -- I think that one was funny -- but out of my portfolio, whereever it is - one poem about shaving my legs is probably the best thing out of the whole kit n kaboodle.
It's funny, I used to gobble up poetry -- and I had this fantastic time explicating lines of poems- and then breaking them down into meter -- looking for hidden symbolism, influence, historical reference - now, I could really give a crap, 2 craps, etc. -- I have some favorite books that I hold dear on a bookshelf - and some include favorite poets, but lately --- I'm banning the literary. I'm embrassing the grocery store novel, the used mass paperback, the "this is not something trying to hard to be revolutionary but it has a storyline and isn't trying to be edgy or raw or stark or have an underlying reference to the humanity of all especially when you compare and contrast it to the works of Rilke,[insert old dead guy's last name] and Joyce -- no, I want to read a book that has a story- is well written with proper charachter development and I have some what of an emotional attachment to the story - it makes me laugh - yes, out loud or sniffle/cry, or [enter wide array of emotional responses]. And when I'm done I feel like it was worth reading -
I don't want to waste my time with something that I get done reading and I'm all WTF? Maybe, I just like different things now, or that I've read so much of the literary end that I'm bored - unimpressed etc. and I like my cheap paperback fiction now and I like throwing them away or turning them to Goodwill. I still really like finding new authors - like Laurie Graff -- she's pretty unknown and her first book was fantastic, "You have to kiss a lot of frogs". Maybe my whole issue is --- I'm done reading about things that are set in [ pick a different century] -- I may not have and ipod but I'm really quite done with anything pre-modernist movement. Ok well my sudafed has officially kicked in and it's time for bed.

My apologies for any run on sentences and fragmented thought or [grammatical/spelling errors]


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