I should shower. But I'm too lazy. Unmotivated. and smelly.

I should have had lunch. I was hungry. But, again too lazy and unmotivated m&ms and doritos were even tasting a little gross.

I should have done my hair this morning. It was a bad case of bed head. I brushed it and called it good then looked in the mirror hours later and was horrified. I could scare small children with this hair. But alas, too tired and unmotivated.

I should write something mildly entertaining. But I've got nothing, lazy, slothful me. I'm in a funk today. Let's hope it has to do with not sleeping well last night.

This is the first day of autumn - I should enjoy the weather outside after work, nah, who needs outdoors when you have a comfy chair to sit in and play stupid scramble.

I do have some things to write about, but ... like a broken record - too lazy.

magical sunglasses
more about cleavy mcgeee my constant work annoyance
birthday twins
nesting fever/ baby fever - it's happened, the unofficial clock is widening my hips (ok so maybe that's my carb-o-holic diet.) and making me baby crazy.
"parsley" for sale
awkward moments
movie review
writing the book -asyou can see my writing blog has been unattended to for quite sometime.
closet smoker.

Until I get motivated though -- this is all I've got.


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