I liketo give advice -- sometimes when unwarrented or not needed - but I usualy save my so-called sage advice for my friends. Never to strangers - unless it's more of a helpful hint -- like ps. you have tp on your shoe or you have a bug on you.

I was in subway -- getting lunch - 2 sandwhiches.
I normally get the turkey - but today is not a turkey kind of day - today was a blt kind of day - and the subway by my work always skimps on the bacon. I love bacon but in moderation - so once in awhile I'll indulge.

I got Dave's sandwhich and then ordered my sandwhich - a blt - extra bacon. When I ordered my sandwhich I was the last in line -- not looking very fabulous as I was wearing clothes from friday -- my hair was still we from my shower -- I ended up somehow getting an exfoliating bead from my cleanser in my eye and so my left eye was pink and puffy and causing rapid blinking.

So they guy scoops up a large wad of bacon for heating -- and now I'm aware of the person behind me in line.

"Wow - that's a lot of bacon" weird dude exclaims

"yep. it's more than I imagined" i reply

"What is it for?" weird dude inquires - as the bacon is removed from the microwave aka bacon zapper

The bacon is then placed on my bread and before they can ask me what I want on it -

weird dude inquires : "What elese are you going to get on it?"

"Well it's a blt - so lettuce and tomato"

"Well someone needs to get a gym membership after that sandwhich"

No response - I mean seriously what do you say to that- I'm not grossly obese - I'm now classifing myself as curvy as I've put on some weight this year. I'm not in denial, I've accepted my new soft parts and moved on.

Weird dude is obvious to his devisating commentary as he has his nasty tuna fish white conglomerated goop on his perfectly good bread - totally ruining it with the tuna fish infestation. I hope he gets an overdose of Omeaga 3 fatty goodness and develops a rash similar to that which my cat gets when ever he has fish.

I rattle of my ingrediant requests for Dave's sandwhich and mine -

Weird guy has nothing more to say.

I pay and fill my diet coke and leave.

Weird guy leaves before me - as I had some issues trying to put the lid on my cup without crying.

Weird dude heads to the chiropractic office next door.

I head back home to dave's, crying the whole way home.


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