So after reading that bible quote below... I was thinking about all that love is -- and how it's always so tricky to define love and how even if you don't say you love someone everyday -- (which I think is a bit excessive and looses some of it's meaning if it just becomes a habit)

Dave hearts Kristen:

Love is putting up with my randomness, quirkiness and shaking your head when I've pushed a joke or saying to far.

Love is starting the dishes, even if you don't finish them, because you feel need to take a nap and you leave the sudsy water so I notice that you indeed attempted to do the dishes. Along the same lines--

Love is making sure I don't have the blasted plate that has a chip in it --- and kissing me on the forehead or neck while I'm doing the dishes that you started.

Love is when we wake up in the morning and it's not quite time to get up but you put your arm around me and pull me towards you to sleep snuggled together.

Love is wanting and expecting a "good morning" kiss, "good night" kiss and a "have a good day at work" kiss.

Love is helping me make your lunch/dinner/breakfast.

Love is letting me pick the chick flick once in awhile and or granting me rein over the remote.

Love is tickling my feet with the bristley 5 oclock shadow -- I know those feet are stinky too - since I've been wearing my sweaty trouser socks all day

Love is letting me cheat at UNO and other games.

Love is comforting me when I'm crying for no apparent reason.

Love is making fun of me for taking scalding hot showers - yet getting too hot in the hot tub.

Love is helping me finish my suduko puzzle but making sure you didn't fill in any wrong answers.

Love is drawing me little maps becuase you know I have a serious problem with directions.

Love is making me drive so that you can make fun of my lack of directions.

Kristen hearts Dave:

Love is finsihing the dishes that you started and the complimenting you on your attempts.

Love is accepting the fact that you do not like vegetables.

Love is taking an interest and reading your books and magzines about classic car parts, even if it is all greek to me.

Love is giving you backrubs, kisses, playing footsi, and our raspberry game.

Love is laughing and teasing and chin bites.

Love is taking a beano when I know we're going out for Mexican.

Love is changing your toilet paper roll becuase -- you somehow don't ever want to put a new roll on the holder.

Love is telling you how important, smart, funny, handsome, wonderful you are in everyday ways.

Love is vetoing the idea of a Bulldog -- becuase the hair and drool will be a bad thing with your allergies.

Love is helping you with yard work, shoveling the driveway and or just having a snowball fight for fun.

Love is trying seafood and pork because you love it.

1 Comment:

  1. Annabelle Tinley said...
    sigh, puke. but i still adore you.

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