So I normally try to avoid hitting things while driving. I've never hit a person, or pet, or turtle or goose or duck -- I'm sure I've squished some bugs -- but never a four legged animal. I've never hit another car -- maybe a traffic cone back in the "let practice parallel parking"days.

I was driving to the picturesque country road -- lots of curves -- nice tree lines -- cute country homes... then I got to the stop sign -- went through and then it turned into town home central.. ugh they are popping up everywhere -- that's topic for another blog... in the street was a squirrel.

He's made it to the other side -- on no, he's running back --- on no he's turned around again -- I swerve -- and hit him. Thump. I look in my rearview mirror -- no twitching, no movement -- I killed a squirrel and I tried to miss him!

Sorry squirrelly! I didn't mean too!


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