Weekend ReCap

So Saturday was a great adventure. 160 miles of metro highways, biways, county roads and getting lost. So my sense of direction has not improved. In any case it was good fun.

Saturday morning, I picked Clint up and we went to the very illustrious Pep Boys to purchase none other than some super head lights - they weren't the "brightest head lights in the free world" that the Pep Boys clerk suggested but they are nice n bright. Clinton did his super boyfriend duty by changing them in the Sports Authority parking lot. Gold Stars were given. Then we decided to go to the Mall of America- due to road construction we get lost, We decided to go there cause it's big and we had random things to find and it seemed logical to go to the biggest conglomorate of stores. On the detour of getting lost we passed exits for the following shopping places: Riverdale, Northtown, Southdale, Eden Prairie Shopping, Ridgedale, so basically everything except for Brookdale and Maplewood. We finally arrive at the Mall of Too Many People. We went, we shopped, we got peopled out and left. My objective of getting a new spring coat was achieved the other items - not so much.

Then we were hungry, I was also hot and smelly as I was wearing a sweater that was not condusive to the warmer temperatures. It was then decided, I needed deoderant and a shirt after we indulged ourselves at pf changs.

On the way to lunch- my sister called and I answered the phone. She wanted to know what I wanted for my birthday. I get off the phone, Clint and I eat lunch. My sister had texted me this bizzare message - I call to get the drama - when I shouldn't have.

Grr. My sister is looking for a job -understandable, but she doesn't have a car, and she thinks since my mom isn't using her car - due to the broken arm, that she should have it at school and to be able to run to an interview in Rochester, MN this week. I'm sorry she doesn't have a car - I know that this sucks especially when you are interviewing. But seriouslly how is my mom supposed to get the car to her - and then get home - oh I know, I am supposed to some how assist in this matter. The thing is my sister is thinking that my mom is being selfish. What? Really? Maybe she thinks that it is her car, and that perhaps she doesn't have to let someone - daughter or not have the said car that is hers - 100 miles away even though my mom can't exactly drive it at the moment. She starts being emotional and I am trying to digest so we disconnect politley of course. I call my mom - to get her version of the drama - and she didn't even know that Jessica wanted the car - and to top things off my good for nothing lazy brother - some how didn't have time to take my mom to the grocery store so she could have an hour out of the house that she has been for lack of a better word trapped in.
drama drama drama - all this gives me a headache.
Clint and I continue on our journey to pick up a couple items - when we are done it's almost 6 - so we head to the March Birthday Celebration at Kenzies. I get lost - I get turned around - I get lost again - then we realize we forgot to get the meat n cheese tray. We stop to get said meat and cheese tray- but it is scary and says Hormel on it and we are frightened into getting cheese and crackers and a fresh fruit tray. We head back to Kenzie's - I get lost again - and call Kenzie - only 4 blocks or so from her house - She laughs at me and finally we are there.
We had a good time with Apples to Apples and the three of us girls watched our rockstar love nuggets pretend to be musicians on the wii thing. It was a good fun night and Kenzie's cake was yummy.
We head back towards Anokaland Suburbia and Clint is now driving as I can not drive one more mile or I will self combust. We part ways I end up getting home and crashing.
Sunday we have plans to meet Ava and Joe for brunch in Uptown. We meet for lunch and eat food and talk and tell stories and I think we had a good time. Too bad we live more than 20 minutes from eachother because I think the 4 of us would have fun double dates together. I approve of Joe, and Ava approves of Clinty-cakes so all is well.
Then Clint and I had out Sunday Scrabble Fest at Caribou -- I still have a headache from the 19 year old girl who said the word LIKE about 5,000 time in the 2 hours we were there.
And now ta-da I'm home- 274 miles driven since Saturday morning and I didn't even leave the metro area codes.

1 Comment:

  1. Sci3nc3 said...
    I still think that clerk at Pep Boys was holding out on us. Their must be some black-market bulbs that aren't DoT approved because they cook animals at 50 yards.

    I'm thinking we should cross the MoA off our list of places to ever go again unless it's a dire situation, much like walmart.

    PF Changs was yummy. I hope someone got to enjoy the takeout boxes I forgot on the table.

    You weren't smelly.

    Brunch (blunch, it's more fun to say) was good. I do think we'd have a good time doubling with them, the distance is unfortunate.

    That girl at Caribou was the single most annoying person I've ever had the displeasure of sharing a confined space with. If ever there was a poster child for the loosening of gun control laws, she is it.

    You nearly scored 400 points in Scrabble and didn't gloat about it? Even a little?

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