So Dave and I are going to sit down and talk about things this week.
And I'm a little annoyed, that he gave me no warning when he instituted the break, that he hasn't been the blue ribbon boyfirend we all dream of.
So in my typical girl over analyzing everything fashion, what will be the result of our conversation.
He will either say, that he's messed up, apologize for putting me through this confusing hiatus and that he wants to try and work on us.
He will tell me that he needs to be single for whatever reason. And then I will have to officially move on.
If he wants to work on things - I am cautious but willing, because I love him. I'm already hurting and right now the only comfort I want is him holding me.
If he needs to be single for whatever reason, and it better be a good one, I'll try to accept it but at this point without knowing why or what I'm clueless to how I'll respond.
So that's the game plan.
1 Comment:
- Annabelle Tinley said...
October 22, 2008 at 1:03 PMGood luck, give me a call after you've had "the talk."