As Dave are on a break and I was hopeful yesterday, today - I've started the Welcome Back to Singledom Orientation. If in the end things work out with Dave, fantastic- but if whatever it is, is beyond repair or an attempt on his part - then I'm not so shell shocked.

I've colored my hair. Thought about getting a gym membership -that I would actually use. Considered drinking excessivly while eating excessively but then that would only mean more work outs at the gym. Now I'm getting ready for retail therapy - but I don't really need anything, or want anything in particular.

I would go get my nails done and be ultra girl-a-rific but I was unconsiously biting them and now my cuticles are all bloody and disgusting. Don't want to hurt them anymore - but I'm leaving them alone in hope to be able to go next week and have a full set of short but pretty french manicured arcylics. This will be a pain in the ass when I decide that I'd rather just have my natural nail and have to go through that paper thin nail crap - but alas I want to feel a little pretty so it's the plan.

Today I'm going with the very cliched boomarang philosophy - let love free and eventually, just maybe it will come back to me.

So yeah, back to singledom.


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