The Rules

This is a brief list of the rules from Ellen Fein and Sherrie Schneider's book titled The Rules:

#1: Be a creature unlike any other: Ok I get that, be confident, alluring etc. I more like a wackadoo but I guess that works - I'm unlike any other right?

#2: Don't talk to a man first (Don't ask him to dance). Ok the speak when spoken to - a little dated and no worries on the dancing part -- this body doesn't dance, maybe it's part of being a creature unlike any other.

#3: Don't stare at Men or Talk to Much. OK I won't look longingly in his eyes and I'll put the babbling brook that is my mouth in check.

#4: Don't meet him halfway or go dutch on a date. Well I normally go to his place- - what am I supposed to do - drive an hour and fifteen minutes home and wait for him to pick me up? That's ridiculous we wouldn't get to dinner until my body was feeding off itself -- maybe that would be the way to go then?

#5: Don't call him and rarely return his calls. I get the don't call him part -- make him call you, wait in misery for the call but not to call him back isn't that rude?

#6: Always end the phone call first. I'm bad at this - I go on and on sometimes. But I guess I can practice this one.

#7: Don't accept a Saturday night date after Wednesday. Shit, I can barely even get a Saturday night date now - especially during classic car show season. But ok -- so Dave has until tonight to a) call me b) make plans for Saturday. grr. I'm going to have another boring weekend.

#8: Fill up your time before the date. I'm past the pretty stage but I guess I could try a little harder to be cute before a date and that would fill up the time.

#9: Always end the date first. Our dates usually end when we get up and go to work in the morning.

#10: Stop dating him if he doesn't buy you a romantic gift for Valentines or your birthday- phew, he's safe he did a great job with both Valentines and Birthday presents.

#11: Don't see him more than once or twice a week. Umm that's the current problem?

#12: No more than casual kissing on the first date. Well we were good kids, I don't think we kissed until the third date.

#13: Don't rush into sex -- well it's happened, don't be alarmed and no it's not going to be given up for the sake of the rules... I need it too much.

#14: Don't tell him what to do. I'll ask nicely and say please.

#15: Let him take the lead. Yep, that's the plan. It usually results in watching tv and cooking for him. Some lead...

#16: Don't expect a man to change or try to change him. Ok, but seriously- if I'm washing the dishes he could at least rinse them.

#17: Don't open up to fast: I'm open, but it's happened over time.

#18: Be honest but Mysterious. Grr these sound like head games... I'm not that good at head games, I'm better at board games.

#19: Don't live with a man - or leave your things at his place. What? That's the goal. Plus, I need certain things at his house for getting ready in the morning.

#20: Don't date a married man. ok. not an issue.

So that's the plan... I don't think I'll last 2 days but that's the plan.


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