SO Camille at work confessed that now that her husband knows about her infidelities - and still wants to be with her, she now has the itch more than ever to be unfaithful.

I scold her and try to deter her from being a grade a bitch of a wife. Somehow, I think this will have no effect.

Is it true: Once a cheater always a scumbag?

I want to believe in the good in everyone - yes, I know how naive and pathetic.

But I really think that she will cheat again. I wish she just leave him then and just go about her unfulfilled fantasies.

Marriage isn't a prison - it's a choice and place to grow with someone - now granted people will often grow apart or move on to greener pastures and I have no idea what marriage is like since I'm not the cool yet. But I know that marriage sucks sometimes -- people get married and there are issues and problems and life shit that gets in the way of the marital bliss phenomenon. That's why we have shows like Desperate Housewives... ha.

A little bit more about Camille, this is her second marriage -- the first one from what I gather was a bad fit and she left the scum bag. Then her and #2 got married after a brief courtship - 6 months or something. A little risky but it's worked for others. Now they have the rug rat crew and cat and some how all that they are as a couple isn't enough for Camille.

She has an addictive personality -- she's gotten several tattoos in the past months - I'm fine with tattoos but more than 2 in a such a short time span screams that she is trying to self soothe in some new way. Same with shopping. She loves to shop - I guess I've given up on shopping, it's just not fun for me anymore. I buy what a need and once in awhile I need what I want and that's how it is.

She's a great friend and I really wish she would just try to get a fix on what is going on that she is being so thrill seeking and destructive to her marriage. I just don't get it.


  1. Anonymous said...
    you need to keep your little nose out of there. tell her you like her as a friend but you don't want her to talk about her love life with anyone. it unburdens her and makes you feel worse. tell her its none of your business. that way you wont feel so guilty about her infidelities and keeping secrets. thats dr. joy browne's (and my) advice.
    Anonymous said...
    thanks dr. joymie

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