So it's been three months since my dad died. My mom has decided that she wants to wait to intern his ashes until she passes so they can be buried together. Okay that's fine, it's her choice.

So there have been a slew of people at the office that have recently lost parents. I was talking to Steve one of my co-workers about grief since he just lost his mom. Steve and Jim used to be my cube mates -- and they've always been my work dads -- wanting to know if the boyfriend is good enough, random happenings etc -- caring and protecting of moi- Punky Poo. So Steve and I get into a conversation about loss.

And pretty soon we are sitting there talking about cemetary plots, rules and regulations for certain cemetaries. Cremation vs. Full Burials. Nosy people wanting to know about wills and finances etc.

Steve O said he wished that Dave could have met my Dad cause it would have been a great story to hear. and here I am -- trying to keep it together.

Creating another awkward moment for the office.


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