So It's coming up on two weeks and I'm amazed at how much time has passed - and how different things are now.

Denial, numbness, and shock: SO I found out over the phone - my legs collapsed and I ended up kneeling on concrete and crying until Dave scooped me up and held me -- then I went through this whole thing once I got home and my mom told me exactly what happened.

Bargaining: In this stage I wasn't bargaining with anyone -- I was more conscened with things that will never be -- and upset about a recent fight we had over something so trival.

Depression: Sleep and appetite disturbance, lack of energy and concentration, and crying spells are some typical symptoms. My family and friends helped me through this -- and I'm back to eating all the crap I used to eat -- I still cry now and again - and that's ok - and I'm sleeping hard and through the night.

I got angry -- and now I'm not angry.

I'm there - but I'm sure Ill back track from time to time - especially on holidays, when we inter the ashes and on special days.


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