flower: tulips and bird of paradise tie for first and then peonies and pink roses come in second
season: spring -- right now I want to get out in the garden but the pesky cruchy snow is there.
color: pink, green and red
holiday: April Fool's Day & Labor Day
food: white bread and butter or egg noodles with butter
sweets: all: candy, cookies, pastries.
salty: chips
non-alcoholic beverage: diet coke alcoholic beverage: bloody marys, malibu diets & beer
guilty pleasure: new socks, bubble baths, diet coke
books: too many to really name but the one I read over and over again: The Little Prince
meal: something meaty, something starchy and something green
vacation: midwest road trips with good friends
dream vacation: france or greece
movie: shining through, steel magnolias and when harry met sally
least favorite movie: umm the 4minutes of Saw that Dave and I watched.
smell: laundry, fresh flowers, lilacs in bloom and bread baking, ooh and books
taste: sweets and salties together
touch: dave's head in my lap when were watching tv
sound: music, laughter
sight: sunshine
least favorite smell: umm poo?
least favorite taste: umm pork chops?
least favorite touch: stabbing would be bad, paper cuts stink, so does heartburn
least favorite sound: screaming babies
least favorte sight: blood - it makes me woosy
most embarassing moment: swearing at the wrong moment
most memorable moment: recently? getting the braces off
last time you cried: valentine's day weekend
last time you laugher: earlier today
favorite song: extrodiary machine, fiona apple, tristan prettyman's simple as it should be
barry white's 1st last and everything, ooh soo many.
perfume: hypnose by lancome
cologne: hugo the original -- and i don't care if that's sooo 9th grade.
tv show: NCIS, The Office
restraunt: due to my love for big juicy burgers I'll say Red Robin, but I don't have an all time favorite place.
job: the job I enjoyed the most was working in library in college
least favorite job: umm the portable toilet place
fast food place: mcdonalds
musical instrament: guitar or piano -- heck maybe even the kazoo
wildest moment: steaking down lafayette comes to mind
room: living room, bedroom
board game: scrabble -- but with my rules of course
card game: cribbage -- but with my rules of course
least favorite game: umm maybe barrel of monkeys that's not that much fun
writing utensil: the pilot g2 07 in fine point, blue ink
laundry soap: tide
fabric softner: downy
shampoo: bain de terre in white clover
conditioner: same - bain de terre in white clover
toothpaste: crest
mouthwash: listerine in vanilla mint
newspaper: startribune
website: yahoo.com
radio station: ks95
store: depends on what i'm buying - general retail crap: target, jcp, cub


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